
Key principles for design and operation approved

Next stage of detailed design work to begin following committee approval.

Our Transport and Environment Committee has approved (19 August) the core elements of an ambitious final concept design for transforming Edinburgh’s George Street and First New Town, along with an updated future operational plan. This enables us to progress to the next stage of detailed design with a view to starting statutory processes by the end of 2021.

The final concept design for the project, which aims to create a people friendly setting, better walking, cycling and wheeling links and a more attractive environment, was unveiled in February. A subsequent public engagement exercise in March revealed broad support for plans. Work with key stakeholder groups including Edinburgh Word Heritage, Essential Edinburgh, Living Streets, George Street Association and Spokes and consultation with the wider public has helped inform core elements and design principles to underpin final plans.

A series of proposed operational changes would support the area’s transformation and will form the basis of the development of the statutory notice process, which is required to enable construction of the scheme. There will be further development of the operational plan during the next design stage of the project, beginning in September. Proposed operational principles will be finalised in partnership with key stakeholders, local businesses and residents.

Key principles of the operational plan cover the delivery of pedestrian and cycling priority, the prioritisation of blue badge parking and removing all but essential motor traffic from George Street, amongst other operational changes.

Read the full report, ,.

Read the full news release.

Published: 18th August 2021