
Union Canal strategy 2024 to 2029

Next steps and action plans

Canal towpath with All Aboard Boat and Polwarth Church in background

Six key priorities have been identified through consultation and partnership working. These are followed by individual action plans breaking down the work required to support these six priorities. The action plan will be tracked and monitored as part of the Edinburgh Union Canal Partnership by the relevant project owner.

  1. User behaviour: Support positive relationships between different users of the Union Canal and its adjacent towpath through signage and campaigning.
  2. Improving access: Continue to ensure the towpath is accessible for users through access and surface improvements.
  3. Placemaking and safety: Prioritise safety along the Union Canal by looking at solutions to support lighting, seating and facilities.
  4. Partnership working: Work with partners to support and grow volunteering, education and skills-based training opportunities.
  5. Enhancing biodiversity and climate resilience: Ensure the Union Canal’s biodiversity is protected and enhanced through education and volunteering.
  6. Building upon developments: Work with developers and other stakeholders to ensure new opportunities enhance the Union Canal and contribute to a resilient and inclusive canal community.

 in the full strategy.