
Princes Street and Waverley Valley Strategy

Next steps for the project

Once we have finished gathering your views on the draft strategy, we will then report back to the relevant Council committees.

Once finalised and approved, the strategy will

  • become non-statutory Planning Guidance, forming a material consideration for the Council, as Planning Authority, in the determination of planning applications.
  • provide an approved Place Brief to make sure we provide clarity on the city's requirements for the renewal of Waverley Station.
  • inform the future management of the Waverley Valley, including a new improvement plan for Princes Street Gardens and Ross Bandstand
  • Support funding bids to deliver Council-led public realm and Waverley Valley improvements and, where appropriate, provide a basis for securing developer contributions.

As a vision for the area, the proposed improvements in the draft strategy are not yet funded. Once finalised, we will outline ways to secure funding and implement the improvements.