
How to use gull proof bags

Gull proof bags are strong reusable bags which are used to collect general household waste in some streets in the World Heritage Site.


  • help protect your waste from gulls
  • are used alongside kerbside recycling collections for certain materials, like, paper, card, cans, plastics, glass and food
  • are collected once a week between 6.30am and 4pm.

You should

  • only put your bag out on the correct day, no later than 6.30am
  • bring your bag inside after it's been emptied
  • use the ties on the bag to fasten it to something solid, like railings, so it doesn't blow away
  • make sure your waste is contained in a large bin bag with no loose waste left beside it
  • not use bins in nearby streets to dispose your waste as this causes overflow
  • ensure all sharp objects are well wrapped and not protruding from any bags
  • not leave loose items or use small bags as they won't be uplifted.